Een vrouw met koorts en pijn in heup en onderrug

Wat is de diagnose?
Dennis Boumans
Johanna C.M. Oostveen
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Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2012;156:A2600


A woman with fever and a painful hip and lower back

A 66-year-old woman presented with fever and acute pain in her lower back and left hip. She used prednison for arteriitis temporalis. Abdominal radiography revealed no signs of free intraperitoneal gas, but instead a radiolucent area below the spleen suggesting free retroperitoneal gas. This was confirmed by CT-scan of the abdomen and surgery, when a diverticulitis of the colon descendens with retroperitoneal perforation was diagnosed.


Ziekenhuisgroep Twente, afd. Reumatologie, Almelo.

Drs. D. Boumans, aios reumatologie; dr. J.C.M. Oostveen, reumatoloog.

Contact drs. D. Boumans (


Aanvaard op 29 november 2010

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