Werkgemeenschap Hyperthermie van de Nederlandse Kankerbestrijding

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Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1991;135:2048-51

Vergadering gehouden op 23 november 1990 te Groningen

R.D.Issels (München), Hyperthermia combined with chemotherapy: biological rationale and its clinical application

The combination of chemotherapy with regional hyperthermia bears a promising potential as a new strategy for the treatment of solid tumors. To use this modality successfully, however, a clearer understanding of the dose-effect relationship for chemotherapeutic agents at different temperatures is required. Based on in-vitro data the mechanisms of drughyperthermia interactions have been classified (e.g. independent, additive, and (or) synergistic). A more general classification of heat-reactive agents is also used: agents that undergo a linear increase in cytotoxicity within the…


Nederlandse Kankerbestrijding, werkgemeenschap Hyperthermie.

Prof. dr.A.W.T.Konings, voorzitter, Rijksuniversiteit, vakgroep Radiobiologie, Bloemsingel 1, 9713 BZ Groningen.

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