Doorlopende agenda

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Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1996;140:1424-5

1996 Juli 7-10 Amsterdam, 9th Meeting of the European Society for Psychosocial Oncology (ESPO-9), bl. 1290. 8-12 Maastricht, Summer university health sciences, bl. 1100. 10-13 Utrecht, Society for Research into Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida, bl. 1100. Augustus 1 e.v. Eindhoven of Antwerpen, Mastercursus psychologie en vaardigheden, bl. 1290. 6-9 Nijmegen, European bioethics seminar, bl. 1146. 12-16 Rotterdam, NSPH-module ‘Introduction to public health’, bl. 1423. 12-30 Rotterdam, The Erasmus summer programma 1996 (tel. 010-4087881fax 010-4367271 mw.Y.Schunselaar, Bureau PAOG-Rotterdam). 19-23 Maastricht, Summer-course, bl. 1146. 19-31 Amsterdam (UvA), ‘Cursus voedingsleer’, bl. 1423. 26-27 Groesbeek (Dekkerswald), The International Society for Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology…

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